Organic silicio recovery treatment.
- Dimethyl-silane diol (dMSD) and methyl-silane triol (MST) highly
concentrated complex of high bioavailability.
- Recovers and stabilize dermic levels of organic silicio, a fundamental
structural, bio-functional, and metabolic element of the connective tissue.
- Stimulates fibroblasts’ activity, viability, and proliferation.
- Reparation and normalization of the dermic-epidermic functionality.
- Stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans
- Anti-free radicals action, antioxidant.
- Facilitates the transportation and retention of water at a superficial and
interstitial level
- Anti glicación. Evita el envejecimiento dérmico prematuro relacionado
a los desórdenes en el metabólismo glucídico.
- Silicio deficit reposition treatment generated due to aging
- Global anti-aging. Skin aging prevention and treatment.
- Deep and superficial hydration
- Skincare for glucidic metabolism disorder